
agenda: desk crits (digital review) and workday.


1. have your 10/10 drafts (tiling is okay) ready for print review that demonstrate size, scale, color, space and exaggeration. work to extend your design vocabulary by modifying typographic forms (cut, divide, etc.) and creating stronger relationships between type and image.
2. be ready to hang, organize and display in and around the class room space.
3. make more than you need and pick 10/10 that help create a series that builds on one another and demonstrates range and diversity.
4. begin collecting images for phase 4 of the project.


agenda: critique of 10/10 images. workday.

homework: respond to critique and make refinements. focus on function of objects: how it works, it's different functions, why does it move, and what comes before and after it's use. for variety and diversity utilize the type families and point size range specified in the project brief. gently use photoshop to create nuanced movement and textures in your compositions. no filters.