
agenda: object discussion and photo demo.

homework: scrutinize object and begin writing research paper. bring your dslr or check one out from a/v check out on the ford campus.


welcome back to school and the start of fall semester.

agenda: introductions, expectations, overview of course syllabus and class requirements. project 1 to begin immediately. this is our home for the next 16 weeks. all documentation, communication and resources can be found here. please check this site regularly for updates, assignments and the unlikely event of a cancelled class announcement.

homework: pick out 3 objects. evaluate historical, contemporary, usage, connotation (the set of associations implied by a word or image in addition to its literal meaning) and denotation (the explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or image).

  1. Does the object have a visually engaging form?
  2. What are the denotations associated with the object?
  3. What are the connotations associated with the object?
  4. How does the object make you feel, happy, sad? Does the object trigger memories?
  5. What stories does the object tell? Are the stories associated with use, such as a wrench? Is it associated with gender male or female? Is the object associated with age or physical ability?